Use layout only when needed

The graph layout algorithm is most likely the most complex part of your application. Hence it might also be the slowest part of your application. Therefore it is useful to design the application so that graph layout is used only when needed. For instance, the application could offer a button that triggers layout, so that the graph layout does not need to run continuously during all interactions.
Graph layout places the nodes and routes the links. If moving nodes and reshaping links is slow, graph layout cannot be fast. Therefore, it is important to know the performance hints described in the Optimizing the performance of JViews Framework in addition to those hints that are related to graph layout.

Orthogonal links without link layout

If your application requires orthogonal link shapes, you might be tempted to use a link layout in automatic layout mode. This has the effect that the layout is triggered whenever a node moves. However, if you have too many links, a full automatic link layout will be too slow. An alternative way to ensure orthogonal links is to use the orthogonal mode of IlvEnhancedPolylineLinkImage (and its subclasses). This mode will ensure that the link shape remains orthogonal, without analyzing all links to reduce link crossings and overlaps. Therefore it can be more efficient than running link layout in automatic layout mode. To enable the orthogonal mode on a link, call:

Automatic layout

If you must use automatic layout (setAutoLayout), be aware that the layout is triggered whenever any event is fired that indicates a change of the graph. In this case, it is important to optimize the events by using adjusting sessions as explained in Events and listeners. This avoids that a sequence of changes triggers many layouts and ensures that the layout is only called once at the end of the sequence of changes.

JViews Diagrammer renderingDoneMode invocation

In JViews Diagrammer, the automatic layout is false by default, but the graph layout may be invoked automatically by JViews Diagrammer listeners when the diagram becomes outdated. This happens when the graph structure has changed because model objects have been added or removed. Or when a diagram event, like a model property change or selection, has impacted the bounding box of at least one graphic object. In this case, JViews Diagrammer automatically runs the current graph layout to keep the diagram accurate. However, the graph layout call can be expensive for large graphs or for complex algorithms. Sometimes, the event that triggered the layout does not justify a new computation of the layout.
To help you control when the graph layout is invoked automatically, IlvSDMEngine provides the property renderingDoneMode. This property is read when JViews Diagrammer receives an event, such as a new selection, a property change, the addition, or the removal of an object in the model.
The possible values of the property renderingDoneMode are:
  • IlvSDMEngine.ALWAYS: The graph layout is always called automatically on events.
  • IlvSDMEngine.NEVER: The graph layout is never called automatically on events.
  • IlvSDMEngine.IF_BBOX_CHANGED: The graph layout is called on selection or property change only if the bounding box of the selected graphic object has changed. This mode is the default mode and is suitable for most cases, because the graph or link layout generally depends only on the position and size of the objects.
You can configure the renderingDoneMode property in the style sheet or through the API.
In the style sheet, use one of the following string values:
Whatever the value of this property, you can always manually perform a layout using for example IlvSDMEngine.performLayout().