Coordinate Panel Factory

The Coordinate Panel Factory bean is represented by the IlvCoordinatePanelFactory class. This bean is used in the Symbol Definition Window and in the terrain analysis features, but can be used whenever the application needs the user to point to a single coordinate or a rectangular area.
An example of the Coordinate Panel Factory for the input of a rectangular set of coordinates rectcoord.png is shown in Multithread Monitor .
Coordinate Panel Factory

Including the bean in an application

To include the Coordinate Panel Factory bean in your application, you need a coordinate formatter (to determine how coordinates are displayed). You can, for example, retrieve the preferred coordinate formatter for the manager:
IlvCoordinateFormatter formatter=prefs.getCoordinateFormatter();
Then you can create a bean to enter single point coordinates:
pointInputPanel = IlvCoordinatePanelFactory.createCoordPointInputPanel(view,
Or you can create a panel to enter a rectangular zone:
rectInputPanel = IlvCoordinatePanelFactory.createCoordRectangleInputPanel
You may then have to set the initial values:
And add a listener that is invoked when the user enters or selects coordinates:
PropertyChangeListener listener= ...;