Multithread Monitor

The Multithread Monitor bean is represented by the IlvThreadedActivityMonitorPanel class. This bean displays the completion status of tasks in progress.
An example of the Multithread Monitor is shown in Multithread Monitor .
Multithread Monitor
To include the Multithread Monitor bean in your application, you first need to get the thread monitoring model for the manager:
IlvThreadedActivityMonitor mon = 
Then you can create the bean:
IlvThreadedActivityMonitorPanel monitor = new 
You can then add this bean to your Swing hierarchy.
panel.add(monitor, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
The bean attaches itself to the IlvThreadedActivityMonitor of the manager. It can be updated whenever a new activity is registered or updated in this model by using lines such as:
mon.updateActivityProgress(myActivity,10,"Doing something...");