The Map Layer Tree bean

The Map Layer Tree panel bean is represented by the IlvLayerTreePanel class. The Map Layer Tree bean displays the layer tree, the Map Style Property Sheet bean and a number of other beans that are accessed from this panel.
An example of the Map Layer Tree panel is shown in Map Layer Tree panel .
Map Layer Tree panel

Including the bean in an application

To include the Map Layer Tree panel bean in your application, write the following lines of code:
IlvLayerTreePanel  layerTreePanel = new IlvLayerTreePanel();

Adding the bean to a Swing container

You can then add this bean to your Swing hierarchy.
panel.add(layerTreePanel, BorderLayout.WEST);
The Map Layer Tree panel bean then attaches itself and listens to the IlvMapLayerTreeProperty property of the specified manager. Whenever a layer is added or changed in the underlying IlvMapLayerTreeModel, its name is added to the tree, and the layer style properties (such as colors or view visibilities) are made available for modification in the lower part of the panel.
The Map Layer Tree panel also attaches itself to the selection mechanism of the manager in order to select the layer when a graphical map object is selected.