Oracle SDO export

In addition to the IlvSDOWriter and IlvObjectSDOWriter classes used to store georeferenced objects to an Oracle® database (see The Oracle spatial reader and writer classes), you can export part of a map to a SDO database using the map export API (see Map Export API). To do so, you just need to set an IlvSDOExporter as the vectorial exporter on the IlvMapExportManager.
IlvMapExportManager exportManager = new IlvMapExportManager();
IlvSDOExporter SDOExporter = new IlvSDOExporter();

// configure SDO export (connection parameters)

// Set the region of the map to export (here we assume that the map is 
// in IlvGeographicCoordinateSystem.KERNEL system, i.e. in radians)
exportManager.setExportRegion(-Math.PI,-Math.PI/2, Math.PI,Math.PI/2);

// Export selected map layers of the map (assuming that mapLayersToExport is 
an array of 
// IlvMapLayer instances)