The IlvTiledShapeDataSource

The IlvTiledShapeDataSource is the tiled version of the IlvShapeDataSource. This means that it takes advantage of the tiling and load-on-demand mechanism. To read a tiled shapefile with such a data source, you can use the following code:
IlvTiledShapeDataSource source = new IlvTiledShapeDataSource(fileName);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {

The IlvShapeFileTileLoader Class

This class implements load-on-demand for tiled Shapefiles. When associated with an IlvTiledLayer, this class automatically handles tile loading if the Shapefile file name, the IndexFile file name, and the SpatialIndexFile file name are provided. An optional Dbase file name can also be provided to load object attributes.
IlvShapeFileTileLoader tileLoader = 
    new IlvShapeFileTileLoader("example.shp",
                               "example.dbf", // Or null if attributes loading 
                                             // is not wanted.
IlvTiledLayer tiledLayer = new IlvTiledLayer(new IlvRect(), null,