Obtaining color effects

The alternateColor property gives the link a striped appearance. The length of each stripe is equal to the thickness of the link by default. You can specify a different stripe length with the lineStyle property.
The lineStylePhase property sets the initial offset. If no lineStyle is specified, the phase is proportional to twice the line width. In the following example, the bottom link starts the alternate color one segment later than the top one.
showing three vertically-aligned curved links with yellow and dark
gray stripes.
Three curved links with stripes
Striped links
link {
        lineWidth      : 10 ; 
        foreground     : yellow ; 
        endCap         : CAP_BUTT ; 
        lineJoin       : JOIN_ROUND ; 
        alternateColor : darkGray ; 
        borderWidth    : 2 ; 
        curved         : 0.65 ; 

link.top { 


link.center { 
        lineStyle  : 4,3 ; 

link.bottom { 
        mode           : MODE_UNICOLOR ; 
        lineStylePhase : 1 ; 