Using the Palettes pane

The class IlvDashboardSymbolPalette is a Swing JPanel that displays the symbols contained in the open palettes. Use the Palettes pane to:
  • View symbols in open palettes.
  • Drag symbols from the Palettes pane into a dashboard diagram.
An IlvDashboardSymbolPalette
The following code example shows how to add an IlvDashboardSymbolPalette to a dashboard application.
Adding a symbol palette to a dashboard application
url = IlvDiagrammerPropertySheet.class.getResource("images/psheet.gif");
icon = new ImageIcon(url);

IlvDashboardSymbolPalette palettePanel = new IlvDashboardSymbolPalette(this);
IlvDashboardExpandablePane paletteFrame = 
      new IlvDashboardExpandablePane("Palette", icon, palettePanel);
try {
      loadPalette(new URL("file:data/palettes/palette-example.jar"));
      loadPalette(new URL("file:data/palettes/link.jar"));
      loadPalette(new URL("file:data/palettes/gauge.jar"));
    } catch (Exception e) {
IlvDashboardExpandableSplitPane split = new IlvDashboardExpandableSplitPane(overviewFrame, paletteFrame);
return split;