Repositioning annotations

To reposition an annotation:
For a point:
  1. First, choose the Select interactor select.png on the map toolbar.
  2. Click to select the point, and with the mouse button held down, drag it to the new position, and then release the button.
For a polyline:
  1. First, choose the Select interactor select.png on the map toolbar.
  2. Click part of the line to select it (not on a point), and with the mouse button still held down, drag it to the new position, and then release the button.
For a polygon:
  1. First, choose the Select interactor select.png on the map toolbar.
  2. Either click part of the line to select it (not on a point) or click in the area encompassed by the polygon, and with the mouse button still held down, drag it to the new position, and then release the button.
For a link:
  1. First, choose the Select interactor select.png on the map toolbar.
  2. Click part of the link to select it (not on a point), and with the mouse button still held down, drag it to the new position, and then release the button.
    The link will automatically reshape whenever you reposition one of the start and end annotations.