Hiding and showing a map layer in the tree

To hide a layer in the Map Layers pane:
  • Point to the parent layer, right-click and select Hide Layer from Tree from the pop-up menu. The parent layer and all its sublayers are removed from the Map Layers pane.
To hide a sublayer in the Map Layers pane:
  • Point to the sublayer, right-click and select Hide Layer from Tree from the pop-up menu. The sublayer is removed from the Map Layers pane.
To show all the hidden sublayers of a parent layer in the Map Layers pane:
  • Point to the parent layer then right-click and select Unhide Sublayers from Tree from the pop-up menu. All the sublayer(s) of the parent layer are redisplayed in the Map Layers pane.
To show all the hidden sublayers in the Map Layers pane:
  • Right-click in the Map Layers pane away from the layers listed and select Unhide Sublayers from Tree from the pop-up menu. All the hidden layers are redisplayed in the Map Layers pane.
    Developers can suppress this feature if, for example, a subset of layers must always be invisible to the final user.