
There are three menus in the main window: File, Options, and Help.


The following table shows menu entries provided in the File menu.
The File menu
Menu Entry
New Map
Clears the currently displayed map from the view pane.
Add Map Data
Imports map data selected from the file Browser.
Open Prepared Map
Opens a previously saved map file selected from the file Browser.
Save Map
Saves the currently open map file under the directory name you supply and the name you give it.
Save Map As
Saves the currently open map file under the directory name you supply and the name you give it.
Enables you to export map layers in Shapefile or GeoTIFF format, or to an Oracle® database.
Recent Files
Reopens a recently closed map file selected from the displayed list.
Exits the application. You are asked if you want to save the map file before exiting.


The following table shows menu entries provided in the Options menu.
The Options menu
Menu Entry
Show Tool Tips on the Window
Displays a brief explanation of the selected function when the mouse pointer is held over it in the main window.
Show Tool Tips on the Map
Displays a brief explanation about the part of the map in the Map View that has the mouse pointer positioned over it.
Show Advanced Properties
Shows a set of advanced properties that you can set. The properties displayed correspond to the selected layer.
“Smooths out” the features to produce a “nicer” display of maps, but at the cost of a reduction in performance. You must choose between “standard and fast” or “more aesthetic but slower”.
Triple Buffer
This provides faster displays and is particularly useful when numerous objects are moved around on top of a static map. Note however, that this uses more memory and slows down panning.
Thin Client Settings
Displays the parameters used for tiled image generation. These images can be used by the servlet as pre-rendered tile requests to speed-up the server's response time.
Predefined Coordinate Systems
Displays a list of predefined coordinate systems in a dedicated pane. A predefined coordinate system set from this pane is reflected in the Coordinate System pane on the left of the Map Builder.
Show Additional Views
Displays the Unused Views pane. You can drag and drop these additional views into the left of the Map Builder main window and display them along with the other tabs. You can also drag and drop any of the tabs back into the Unused Views pane.


The following table shows menu entries provided in the Help menu.
The Help menu
Menu Entry
About the Map Builder
Displays information about your Map Builder installation.
Help Contents
Displays the help contents in your browser.