Map Builder toolbar

The toolbar is displayed at the top of the main Map Builder window.
Map Builder toolbar buttons
Pan: Moves and repositions the entire map when you click and drag in the main window.
Select: Puts the Map Builder main window into selection mode.
Zoom in Rectangle: Zooms in on a section of the map contained within a zoom box drawn by you. Note that this enlarges the whole map. This button can also be used to zoom in (left click) and zoom out (CTRL + left click).
Zoom In: Increases the size of the map displayed in the main window.
Continuous Zoom: Zoom in by pressing the left mouse button. Zoom out by pressing the right mouse button. Use the mouse wheel to zoom into and out from the map. To pan, press and drag the mouse. The zoom operation pauses as the map pans to the area you want to see.
Zoom Out: Decreases the size of the map displayed in the main window.
Fit to View: Fits the visible map to the size of the main window so that you can view the whole map without having to scroll.
Zoom to Selected Layer: Zooms in to the layer selected in the Map Layers pane.
Rotate: Rotates the whole map in the direction that you drag it. A compass indicates the angle of rotation. Rotation can be reset with a right click.
Magnify: Shows a circular, magnified area around the mouse pointer position on the map. Select this button and then drag the mouse on the main window to magnify different parts of the map.
See Through: Reveals a hidden part of the map.
linedistance.png Measure: Creates a new orthodromy measure, that is, a line on the map. The line represents the shortest distance between the origin and end point of the line. The line may not be straight due to the curvature of the Earth.
polylineannot_icon.png Polyline Annotation: Creates a polyline on a map and adds an annotation to it.
Polygon Annotation: Creates a polygon on a map and adds an annotation to it
pointannot_icon.png Point Annotation: Creates a point on a map and adds an annotation to it.
Link Annotation: Creates a link between two annotations on the map and adds an annotation to the link.