Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings pane (if this tab is not visible see Additional views) provides the following options:
  • Limit Overview Repaints
    Limits the Overview pane to not more than two refreshes per second to reduce CPU usage. When you are zooming or manipulating the main view, it is not always necessary for the Overview pane to be refreshed as often of the main view. This option is set by default.
  • Default Tile Release
    Determines the way image tiles are kept in memory or dumped on the hard disk cache area (tiles are parts of each image). This determines what happens when you pan or zoom the map. To improve performance, already-computed images are stored in the cache ready for when you pan or zoom back. This value represents the number of tiles kept in memory, not the size in KB or MB.
    The following figure shows how the caching mechanism works.
depicting the caching mechanism
Caching Mechanism
  • Show Tile Debugging View
    Displays a view of the existing tiles for debugging purposes.
  • Activate Garbage Collection
    Activates a timer that periodically cleans as much unused memory as possible.
  • Memory Usage and Refresh
    Displays the memory used by the application and the refresh rate (in seconds) for the redisplay of images.
The following figure shows an example of the Advanced Settings pane.
Settings pane
Advanced Settings pane
For more information, see Using Advanced Settings.