Testing a JViews JSF application

To test your JSF application:
  1. In the Servers tab, right-click Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost and select Start.
Eclipse window with Servers tab displaying Tomcat V7.0 Server at localhost.
  2. You can open a Web browser, and go to http://localhost:8080/jsf-hello-world/faces/index.jsp:
browser displaying the presentation.
You have now created your first JViews JSF application.
This Getting Started example is shipped with your JViews product and is located in the directory <installdir> /jviews-framework810/codefragments/jsf-hello-world/index.html. The location of this directory might vary depending on the version of your product.
This Getting Started guide shows you how to create a basic JViews JSF view. For information on interactions, such as selection and zoom, see the following sections in this product guide. A number of samples and demos are provided with this product showing different ways to use JViews Web components.