Deploying a JViews JSF application

Your JViews JSF application has been compiled and built automatically by Eclipse™ providing that you have not turned off the Build Automatically option. If you do not have any compilation errors you can deploy your application on the Tomcat server that you previously configured.
To deploy your JViews JSF application on the Tomcat™ server:
  1. Select Window>Show View>Other…>Server>Servers:
View pane with Servers shown selected.
  2. Click OK to display the Servers tab:
Eclipse window with Servers tab displayed.
  3. In the Servers tab, right-click and select New>Server.
a New Server window with Tomcat v7.0 Server selected.
  4. Select Tomcat v7.0 Server and click Next.
and Remove New Server window with jsf-hello-world resource shown highlighted.
  5. Select jsf-hello-world and click Add and then click Finish.
Your application is now deployed on the Tomcat server and ready for testing.