Preparing the data used in this example JViews JSF application

The aim of a JViews Web application is to display graphic views through Web browsers. There are many ways to create graphic views.
This example shows you one of the simplest ways: the graphic view has been previously prepared using JViews desktop applications and saved as an IVL file. The purpose of this JSF application is to display the graphic view stored in this IVL file on the Web.
To obtain the required data:
Copy the file java2d.ivl and the folder textures from <installdir> \jviews-framework810\codefragments\jsf-hello-world\webpages to the WebContent folder of your project. The location of this example might change depending on the version of your JViews product.
For alternative ways to provide or to create graphic views, refer to the demos and samples provided with your JViews product.