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Charts > Programmer's documentation > Building Web Applications > JViews Web applications client/server exchange protocols and securities > JViews Web application security
JViews Web application security
Describes the Web security mechanism and its customization in JViews Web applications.
*Introducing JViews Web application security
*Provides a general description of the security mechanism provided in JViews Web applications.
*Enabling the security mechanism in JViews Web applications
*Provides detailed steps about how to use the security mechanism in your JViews Web application.
*Customizing the security mechanism in JViews Web applications
*Explains how to customize the security mechanism in your JViews Web application.
Introducing JViews Web application security
For better protection of JViews Web applications, security mechanisms have been introduced for both JSF and JavaScript JViews Web applications. As described in the section Programmer's documentation>Building Web applications>JViews Web technology architecture>Client-server architecture, the JViews Web application will send the request by using client JavaScript libraries in the browser, to the JViews servlet class on the server side and then it will update the client with the information received from the response. The request URL sent by the client is composed of a list of requested parameters. So we can validate these requested parameters and expected values on the server side for security purposes.
The following section provides detailed steps about how to use the mechanism and how to customize it in your JViews Web application.
Before using the parameter validation mechanism, you must first create a normal JViews JSF or JavaScript application, (see Programmer's documentation>Building Web applications, for more information) to integrate JViews Web components in your application. Then you can follow the following sections to enable parameter validation in your JViews Web application and customize it.
Enabling the security mechanism in JViews Web applications
The security mechanism in JViews Web applications is supported by means of request parameter validation on the server side, which is disabled by default. The user needs to enable it manually in the Web configuration file.
To enable parameter validation in the web.xml file:
To enable parameter validation in the web.xml file:
*Required setting
The standard configuration needed by a JViews Web application in the web.xml file is as follows:
The context parameter of ilog.views.servlet.CHECK_PARAM works as a master switch to enable or disable the parameter validation feature. The IlvParameterValidationContextListener class works as the servlet context listener to retrieve the context parameter values from the Web configuration file when the servlet context is initialized.
*Optional setting
The following optional settings are available in JViews Web applications:
*ilog.views.servlet.RESOURCE_VALIDATION_LISTENER. The ilog.views.servlet.RESOURCE_VALIDATION_LISTENER setting is specially designed to inject the customized validation listener when loading resources. This setting is exposed through the context parameter facility and can be set as follows.
The demo.MyResourceParameterValidationListener class is a subclass of IlvParameterValidationListener.
For more information, see <installdir> /jviews-framework/samples/xmlgrapher/index.html and <installdir> /jviews-charts/samples/js-chart-hitmap/index.html.
*ilog.views.servlet.CHECK_SERVLET_CLASSES. The ilog.views.servlet.CHECK_SERVLET_CLASSES setting is designed to enable request parameter validation for a set of given servlets, which are the comma-separated list of class names. This setting is exposed through the context parameter facility and can be set as follows:
The above setting is to enable request parameter validation in the servlets of IlvResourceController when loading resources and IlvFacesChartServlet for all JViews Charts requests.
To choose specific servlet classes in which to enable parameter validation, see Servlet and component classes to find the appropriate JViews servlet class.
Customizing the security mechanism in JViews Web applications
In special situations where the default security mechanism does not satisfy your requirements, the JViews security mechanism can be customized by using your own validation mechanism, in which you can add or remove specific request parameters from the default parameter list for the specific request; or you can specify your own validation logic and how violation is to be handled when validation fails.
Injecting a customized parameter validation listener
There are two ways to inject a customized parameter validation listener. One is to use annotation to configure a customized parameter validation listener for a specific servlet, another is to call the setParameterValidationListener method to inject a customized parameter validation listener by using the JViews servlet support mechanism.
1. Configure the customized parameter validation listener by using annotation on the JViews servlet class. An annotation support is provided when you configure a server action listener on a JViews servlet class as shown in the following example.
@IlvServerActions(parameters = {
@IlvServerActionParam(actionName = IlvParameterValidationListener.ACTION_NAME, actionListener = MyServletParamValidationListener.class) })
public class MyServlet extends IlvFacesChartServlet {...}
This setting injects the customized MyServletParamValidationListener class for the JViews servlet of MyServlet. For more details on server action listener configuration, see Managing server action listeners.
2. Configure the customized parameter validation listener by overriding in Servlet support class. When you are using the servlet support mechanism, you can call the setParameterValidationListener method to inject a customized parameter validation listener as shown in the following example.
public class MyServlet extends IlvFacesChartServlet {
  public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
  public IlvChartServletSupport createServletSupport(ServletContext context) {
    return new MyServletSupport(this.getServletContext());
  class MyServletSupport extends IlvFacesChartServletSupport {
    public MyServletSupport(ServletContext context) {
       * Enable customized parameter validation by using servlet support class.
      setParameterValidationListener(new MyServletParameterValidationListener());
This setting injects customized MyServletParamValidationListener class for JViews servlet of MyServlet by overriding the setParameterValidationListener method.
Creating a customized parameter validation listener
If you want to customize request parameters (like adding or removing some specific parameters) and use the customized validation mechanism, you must create a customized parameter validation listener to extend the provided validation listeners shipped in the product as shown in the following example.
public class MyServletParamValidationListener extends IlvChartServletParameterValidationListener {...}
For more details, see IlvChartServletParameterValidationListener.
Customizing the request parameters
For each request, a list of request parameters are supported by default. For more details on supported parameters see Introducing JViews Web application exchange protocols and securities. Under some circumstances, you might need to customize the request parameters: for example, to add or to remove some parameters for a specific request in the application. You can perform such customization by using a request parameter handler. The following example shows how to add a customized request parameter called testParameter for an image request by overriding the getServletParametersHandler method in the parent class.
public class MyServletParamValidationListener extends
  IlvChartServletParameterValidationListener {
    public IlvServletParameterHandler getServletParametersHandler(
      ServletRequest request) {
      String type = request.getParameter("request");
      IlvServletParameterHandler handler = null;
      // if you want to add more customized parameters for specific
      // request types such as "image"
      if ("image".equals(type)) {
        // get the default parameter handler for the image request
        // by using the factory class.
        handler = IlvChartServletParameterHandlerFactory.getInstance()
        // add a non-mandatory testing paramter called "testParameter"
        // and an expected value of "expectedValue" under the specific
        // comparator "List"
        handler.addParameter("testParameter", false, "expectedValue",
      } else {
        handler = super.getServletParametersHandler(request);
    return handler;
For the image request, you must get the default parameter handler by using parameter handler factory class, then you must add a non-mandatory testing parameter called testParameter and the expected value called expectedValue under the specific comparator List. This comparator will compare the list of expected values with the requested parameter for validation.
For each request, the parameter handler is provided by default, which support parameters operations such as adding or removing some parameters. For more details on supported operations, see IlvServletParameterHandler. To customize your request parameter, you must first get the default parameter handler. You can use the parameter handler factory classes to get the specific parameter handler for your specific request.
To get the default parameter handler:
Use the IlvChartServletParameterHandlerFactory class.
If you want to get the parameter handler in resource loading, use IlvResourceParameterHandlerFactory
To specify the comparator:
You can also specify how to compare the parameter value by setting a specific comparator to true. The default comparator is EQUALS which means that the requested parameter value should be equal to expected value. Here is a list of supported comparators and sample code fragments to show you how to use them. For more details on supported comparators see IlvRequestParameter.
Example code
The parameter value is equal to the expected value.
addParameter("format", true, "json", true, IlvRequestParameter.Comparator.EQUALS);
The parameter value contains the expected value.
addParameter("res", false, "data", true, IlvRequestParameter.Comparator.CONTAINS);
The parameter value does not contain the expected value.
addParameter("image", false, "script", true, IlvRequestParameter.Comparator.NOT_CONTAINS);
The parameter value starts with one of the listed expected values, the value is separated by a semicolon in the string.
addParameter("res", true, "ilog", true, IlvRequestParameter.Comparator.STARTS_WITH);
The parameter value ends with one of the listed expected values, the value is separated by semicolon in the string.
addParameter("res", true, ".gif;.jpg;.jpeg;.png;.js;.css", true, IlvRequestParameter.Comparator.ENDS_WITH);
The parameter value is one in the list of expected values, the value is separated by semicolon in the string.
addParameter("format", true, "JPEG;PNG;GIF;JPG", true, IlvRequestParameter.Comparator.LIST);
Customizing the validation logic
When the parameter validation mechanism is enabled, the parameter value for each request is compared with the expected one using the default validation logic. If you want to change the default validation logic, for example, to exempt or to add stricter rules on specific requests, you must customize the logic. The following example shows you how to add a customized validation logic for the image request by overriding the validate method in the parent class.
public class MyServletParamValidationListener extends
  IlvChartServletParameterValidationListener {
    public boolean validate(HttpServletRequest request,
       HttpServletResponse response){
       String type = request.getParameter("request");
       //if you want to validate specific request type.
       if ("specificType".equals(type)) {
          * If you put error messages in request scope under the namespace of ERROR_MESSAGE.
          * the default handleViolation method can retrieve it and put it in the response. And
          * the type of response is based on your request type.
         String errorMsg = "some error messages";
         request.setAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGES, errorMsg);
         return false;
       } else {
         return super.validate(request, response);
The error message is placed under the namespace of ERROR_MESSAGES in the request scope, so that the default violation handling method can retrieve it and put it in the response.
Customizing violation handling
If any parameters sent by a request fails the parameter validation the default process for violation handling is applied. By default, the response format is the same as the request expected. For example, if the request expects an image, the image containing the error message is returned. If you want to change the default process, for example by adding more information or taking other actions, you must customize the violation handling. The following example shows how to customize violation handling by overriding the handleViolation method in the parent class.
public class MyServletParamValidationListener extends
  IlvChartServletParameterValidationListener {
  public void handleViolation(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    // gets error message from request attribute
    Object obj = request.getAttribute(ERROR_MESSAGES);
    String messages = obj == null ? "" : obj.toString();
    String type = request.getParameter("request");
    if (type.equals("image")) {
      // perfom your customized action
In this example, the error message is obtained from the namespace of ERROR_MESSAGES in the request scope.
For a reference example, see:
<installdir> /jviews-charts/samples/js-chart-hitmap/index.html.

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