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TGO > Programmers documentation > Business objects and data sources > Lookup tables for state visuals > The OSI state dictionary visuals
The OSI state dictionary visuals
Describes the eight primary states of a telecom object and the five groups of secondary states in the OSI state dictionary.
*Graphical representation of the OSI primary states
*Illustrates the graphical representation of the eight legal OSI primary states.
*Graphical representation of OSI secondary states
*Provides the graphical representations of OSI secondary states.
Graphical representation of the OSI primary states
These states are represented graphically in three different ways:
*The appearance of the object base changes (hatched around the perimeter, flat base, or base in relief).
*An icon appears in the top left corner of the object base.
*Both changes occur.
The table illustrates these changes on a node element. The same graphical representations are used for links, groups, and cards. Note that the primary state of empty slots is not represented graphically.
Graphical representation of the eight valid OSI primary states
OSI State Value
Primary State
Icon Properties (IltSettings)
Operational: Disabled
Usage: Idle
Administrative: Unlocked
The resource is not available or depends upon another source that is not available.
Operational: Disabled
Usage: Idle
Administrative: Locked
The resource is not available and is administratively prohibited from performing user services.
Operational: Enabled
Usage: Idle
Administrative: Unlocked
The resource is available for use and has the capacity to accept services from another source.
Operational: Enabled
Usage: Idle
Administrative: Locked
The resource is available but is administratively prohibited from performing user services.
Operational: Enabled
Usage: Active
Administrative: Unlocked
The resource is available for use and has the capacity to accept services from another source.
Operational: Enabled
Usage: Active
Administrative: Shutting down
The resource is administratively permitted to existing users only; it is shedding traffic.
Operational: Enabled
Usage: Busy
Administrative: Unlocked
The resource is in use with no spare capacity.
Operational: Enabled
Usage: Busy
Administrative: Shutting down
The resource is in use with no spare capacity; it is shedding traffic.
Other combinations
The resource is in an indeterminate state
Graphical representation of OSI secondary states
Secondary states are almost always represented graphically by adding an icon to the top left corner of the object base element. The only exception is for the “Not Installed” Availability state, which is denoted by a change in the base element visual (as shown in table Other OSI secondary state representations).
How to read the When Applicable column
The meaningful representation of the OSI secondary states depends on the eight valid OSI primary states. These primary states are grouped in three categories: Out Of Service (OOS), In Service and Carrying Traffic (CT), and In Service and Carrying No Traffic (NT).
*Out Of Service (OOS):
*Operational: Disabled, Usage: Idle, Administrative: Unlocked
*Operational: Disabled, Usage: Idle, Administrative: Locked
*In Service, Carrying No Traffic (NT):
*Operational: Enabled, Usage: Idle, Administrative: Unlocked
*Operational: Enabled, Usage: Idle, Administrative: Locked
*In Service, Carrying Traffic (CT):
*Operational: Enabled, Usage: Active, Administrative: Unlocked
*Operational: Enabled, Usage: Active, Administrative: Shutting down
*Operational: Enabled, Usage: Busy, Administrative: Unlocked
*Operational: Enabled, Usage: Busy, Administrative: Shutting down
Secondary state names
In Icon-based representations of OSI secondary states  , the symbolic name Secondary State Definition that appears after each Secondary State Name corresponds to the static secondary state definition. For example, the In Test secondary state is defined by InTest, which corresponds to the static definition InTest.
Secondary state icons
It is possible to change the icon associated with a secondary state by using global settings, see Using global settings. The icon property name to be used with IltSettings.SetValue() must include the secondary state group, the secondary state definition, and the primary state. For example:
*Repair is one of the five OSI secondary state groups
*UnderRepair is the secondary state definition of the “Under Repair” secondary state (the only secondary state in the Repair group)
*OOS is the corresponding OSI primary state group (Out Of Service)
For more information on how to use global settings to modify the OSI secondary state icons, see Customizing the OSI state system.
Icon-based representations of OSI secondary states  
Secondary State Name
Secondary State Definition
When Applicable: OOS, NT, CT
Procedural Secondary State
Initialization Required
Resource requires initialization before it can be made available.
Resource is being initialized.
Resource is initialized and test results are being returned.
Resource is terminating.
Availability Secondary State
Service is degraded. This could adversely affect the usage state.
The resource cannot operate because some other resource of which it depends (i.e. a resource not represented by the same managed object) is unavailable. For example, a device is not accessible because its controller is powered off. The operational state is Disabled.
Resource is subject to a fault that prevents it from being used. In most cases, this secondary state is coupled with an alarm, an outstanding alarm, or a loss of connectivity.
In Test
Resource is undergoing test.
Log Full
Log is full. Log service has been made unavailable.
Not Installed
See Table A.3
Resource is not installed.
Off Duty
Service has been made unavailable because of an ongoing time schedule.
Off Line
The resource requires a routine operation to be performed to place it online and make it available for use. The operation may be manual or automatic, or both. The operational state is Disabled.
Power Off
Resource requires power, but is not powered. Most often, this resource is coupled with an alarm, an outstanding alarm, or a loss of connectivity.
Control Secondary State
Part of Services Locked
This value indicates whether a manager has administratively restricted a particular part of a service from the user(s) of a resource. The administrative state is Unlocked. Examples are: incoming service barred, outgoing service barred, write locked by media, read locked.
Reserved for Test
Resource is reserved for test.
Subject to Test
Resource is currently under test.
The service has been administratively suspended to users of the resource. The resource may retain knowledge of the current users and/or request for usage, depending on the managed object class definition, but it does not resume performing services until the suspended condition is revoked. The administrative state is Unlocked.
Standby Secondary State
Cold Standby
The backup resource is not providing service and cannot immediately take over the role of the primary resource.
Hot Standby
The backup resource is not providing service, but can immediately take over the role of the primary resource.
Providing Service
The backup resource has been put into service. (It currently takes over the role of a primary resource.)
Warm Standby
The backup resource is not providing service, but can immediately or within a short delay take over the role of the primary resource. (Data is mirrored to the backup resource at regular intervals.)
Repair Secondary State
Includes Under repair only. Outstanding alarm secondary states are considered as alarm representation cases and are represented as such.
Under Repair
Resource is currently under repair.
Other OSI secondary state representations
Secondary State Name
Secondary State Definition
(OOS only)
Availability Secondary State
Not Installed
Resource is not installed, is installed improperly, or is incompletely installed.
All other OSI primary state combinations indicate that the object is in an indeterminate state. In this case, the OSI secondary states are not applicable to the object.

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