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TGO > Programmers documentation > Business objects and data sources > Lookup tables for state visuals
Lookup tables for state visuals
Provides tables showing the default graphical representations of the dictionaries of states available in Rogue Wave® JViews TGO.
*The OSI state dictionary visuals
*Describes the eight primary states of a telecom object and the five groups of secondary states in the OSI state dictionary.
*The Bellcore state dictionary visuals
*Describes the three primary states and various secondary states of the Bellcore state dictionary.
*The SNMP state dictionary visuals
*Describes the five primary states and 40 secondary states of the SNMP state dictionary.
*The Misc state dictionary visuals
*Describes the secondary states of the Misc state dictionary, which are used to complement those of the other state dictionaries.
*The Performance state dictionary visuals
*Describes the secondary states of the Performance state dictionary.
*The SAN state dictionary visuals
*Describes the secondary states of the SAN state dictionary.
*The SONET state dictionary visuals
*Describes the six primary states and six secondary states of the SONET state dictionary.

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