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TGO > Tutorials and samples > Samples > JSF samples
JSF samples
Shows samples using JavaServer Faces™ technology.
*JSF network component: step-by-step
*Provides a step-by-step introduction to the JViews TGO Faces network component.
*JSF in a Facelets and Trinidad context
*Shows how to use the JViews JavaServer Faces components in a Facelets or Trinidad context.
*JSF network component: customizing business objects
*Shows how to perform advanced customization of the JViews TGO look-and-feel on a Faces application.
*JSF equipment component: step-by-step
*Provides a step-by-step introduction to the JViews TGO Faces equipment component.
*JSF equipment component: image renderer
*Shows how to create an equipment representation using real images with the JViews TGO Faces equipment component
*JSF integration: equipment viewer
*Shows how to use both the network and equipment components together on a Faces application.
*JSF integration: monitoring
*Shows how to create a Web-based Operations Support System (OSS) console using the JViews TGO and MyFaces faces component sets.

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