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Gantt > Samples and code examples > JViews Gantt samples > Basic Samples
Basic Samples
Provides basic samples.
*Gantt Viewer
*Presents a Gantt project viewer developed with JViews Gantt and JViews Diagrammer components.
*Gallery: Loading Designer Projects
*Shows a gallery of different Gantt and Schedule chart projects.
*Extending a Designer Project
*Shows how to use the Gantt SDK to extend a project built with the Designer. It adds interactors.
*Activity Chart (SDK)
*Shows a simple project scheduling application displayed as an activity-oriented Gantt Chart.
*Resource Chart (SDK)
*Shows a simple project scheduling application displayed as a resource-oriented Schedule Chart.
*Printing Gantt Charts
*Contains a simple project showing how to print a Gantt or Schedule chart on multiple pages.
*Printing Load Charts
*Demonstrates the printing capability of the Resource Data Chart component, showing how to print the Chart on multiple pages.

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