Macros Class Members
User Controls
GRID_DECLARE_REGISTER | Inserts declaration code in the header file to enable dialog control functionality for your CWnd-derived class. |
GRID_IMPLEMENT_REGISTER | Inserts implementation code in the implementation file to enable dialog control functionality for your CWnd-derived class. |
Application Context
GXDiscardNcActivate | You should override OnNcActivate in your mainframe or parent dialog class and check the return value of this function. If it is TRUE, don't call the default handler for OnNcActivate. |
GXSetNewGridLineMode | Specifies if you want to use the new grid line mode, dotted grid lines and no grid lines between headers as default for all grids in your application. |
GXGetActiveDocument | Returns a pointer to the active document. |
GXGetActiveView | Returns a pointer to the active view. |
Text formatting and parsing
GXFormatText | This method formats a style value as described in CGXSyle::SetFormat. |
GXDeval | This method parses a given string and checks if it is a number, date string or plain text and returns the numeric value of the date or number. |
Drawing Routines
GXComputeLineBreaks | This method computes the line break positions for a given text so that it can draw into a given rectangle. GXDrawTextLikeMultiLineEdit calls this method to find out where to break the lines. |
GXDaFTools | This methods returns a pointer to the CGXDrawingAndFormatting object. |
GXDrawButton | Draws an area with the visible effect of a button. |
GXDraw3dFrame | Draws a frame with the visible effect of a raised or inset rectangle. |
GXDrawPushButton | Draws an area with the visible effect of a pushbutton. |
GXDrawRadioButtons | Draws an area with the visible effect of several radio buttons. |
GXDrawRotatedText | This methods lets you draw rotated single-line text. Any angle between 0 and 360 degrees is supported. |
GXDrawTextLikeMultiLineEdit | Draws text with wordbreak, horizontal and vertical alignment. |
GXDrawTransparentBitmap | This function lets you draw transparent bitmaps. The parameter cTransparentColor specifies the color for transparent pixels. All pixels in the bitmap which should be transparent should be marked with this color. |
GXGetMultiLineTextBreakCount | This method returns the number of line breaks for a given so that it can draw into a given rectangle. The method calls GXComputeLineBreaks and returns the number of breaks. |
GXGetMultiLineTextPosUnderPt | Computes the text position for a given point. |
GXLoadResourceBitmap | Loads a DIB from the resource file and copies its contents to a memory handle. |
GXPatB | Draws an area with the specified color. |
Initialization, DLLs
GXEnableIme | Call this function from your InitInstance method to enable enhanced support for the Japanese Windows95 IME Window. |
GXGetResourceHandle | Returns the resource handle for Objective Grid resources. |
GXInit | You should call this method from your application class InitInstance method. It will initialize resources and variables used by Objective Grid. |
GXInitODBC | You should call this method from your application class InitInstance method. It will initialize ODBC support for Objective Grid. |
GXInitDAO | You should call this method from your application class InitInstance method. It will initialize DAO support for Objective Grid. |
GXRegisterClasses | Registers window classes. Call this method with a handle to your resource module if you want to use OG window classes (e.g., “GXWND”) in resource DLLs. |
GXSetDaFTools | Call this method from your InitInstance method if you want to customize any of the drawing functions in CGXDrawingAndFormatting. |
GXUnregisterClasses | Unregisters window classes. Call this method if you want to unload resource DLLs at run time. |
GXTerminate | You should call this method from your application class ExitInstance method. It will reset resources and variables used by Objective Grid. |
Formula Engine
GXEnableWorksheetFunctions | Call this method from your InitInstance routine if you want to enable all built-in worksheet functions of the formula engine. |
Excel Read/Write
GX_EXCEL_MAP_ENTRY | Maps record types to the appropriate handlers. |
GX_EXCEL_WRITEMAP_ENTRY | Maps record types to the appropriate handlers. |
Date, Time
GXImplementOleDateTime | Select "OleDateTime": in Control Factory -Wizard to enable Date & Time parsing using using COleDateTime routines. |
GXImplementNoOleDateTime | Select "NoOleDateTime": in Control Factory -Wizard to enable Date & Time parsing using alternativ formatting and parsing routines (not using COleDateTime routines). |
GXFormatTimeStamp | Formats the given time value with locale representation of date formats as specified in the international section of WIN.INI or the registry. |
GXIntlStrFTime | C++ strftime-like date and time formatting. |
GXParseDateTime | Parses a given string with locale date format and reads out the date and time. |
GXUpdateDateTimeSettings | Updates the date and time settings from the international section of WIN.INI or the registry. You should call this method from your OnWinIniChange handler. |
GXFillChoiceList | Lets you fill a choice list string with all data in the recordset. Each column will be separated with a tab. Each row will be separated with a newline character. |
Dialog Validation
DDV_GXGridWnd | You should call this data validation routine when you are using a grid in a CDialog from the dialog’s DoDataExchange method. |
DDV_GXGridHandleWnd | You should call this data validation routine when you are using a CGXGridHandleWnd in a CDialog from the dialog’s DoDataExchange method. |
DDV_GXTabWnd | You should call this data validation routine when you are using a tabbed window in a CDialog from the dialog’s DoDataExchange method. |
GXCreateObjectFromFile | Instantiates an object of the given runtime class and loads its data from the given file object. |
GXCreateObjectFromResource | Instantiates an object of the given runtime class and loads its data from the given binary resource. |
CGXSortInfo | CGXSortInfo contains information for sorting rows or columns. |
CGXSortInfoArray | CGXSortInfoArray is an array of CGXSortInfo objects. |
GXNDX | GXNDX is a structure for cell coordinates. |
GX_FR_STATE | Find and Replace settings. |