void GXDraw3dFrame(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rc, int w, COLORREF rgbTopLeft, COLORREF rgbBottomRight)
Points to the device context.
Specifies the rectangle for the frame.
Width of the border. Typically 1.
Specifies the color for the top and left border. Use RGB(255,255,255) for a raised effect and RGB(0,0,0) for an inset effect.
Specifies the color for the bottom and right border. Use RGB(0,0,0) for a raised effect and RGB(255,255,255) for an inset effect.
Draws a frame with the visible effect of a raised or inset rectangle.
The grid-component draws row and column headers this way. The default header control’s CGXHeader::Draw method calls GXDraw3dFrame to draw the header with 3d-Button-look.
You can call this function if you want to draw cells with the visible effect of inset or raised look.
This example shows you how to draw an area raised or inset:
// Inset
GXDraw3dFrame(pDC, r, 1,
RGB(0,0,0), RGB(255,255,255));
// Raised
GXDraw3dFrame(pDC, r, 1,
RGB(255,255,255), RGB(0,0,0));
See Also
CGXHeader CGXDrawingAndFormatting