Data Exchange with foreign applications
- How can I write the grid to a text file in tab-delimited format?
- How can I read data from a text file in tab-delimited format?
- Which clipboard formats does OG support?
- How can I avoid that the formatting of the destination cells is changed, when I copy and paste or drag and drop cells in the grid. I only want to copy the text values.
- How can I enable Copy/Paste to work with CGXBrowserGrid, CGXDaoGrid and CGXRevordView? (OG full version only)
- When I Copy/Paste RichText format, only plain text copied.
- How can I adjust and validate cells when I paste data from the clipboard? OnValidateCell is not called.
- When I paste (or drop) data into a static cell, the text will be replaced. I don't want the user to be able to change static cells.
- Can I drag only the highlighted (selected) text of a cell to another cell?