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Objective Grid User's Guide
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1.6 Getting Help

Several avenues of help are available to you when working with Objective Grid.

1.6.1 Documentation

The following documents are available for Objective Grid: Available Formats

The following is a list of available documentation formats. After each format is a list of the documents available in that format.

For more information on the documentation, including all Stingray documentation, an index to the Help files, and document type conventions, see Section 1.4, "Product Documentation," in the Stingray Studio Getting Started Guide. Common Terms

Base Style - Base styles are grid-wide styles that make it possible to group specific kinds of cells and give them similar attributes. The predefined base styles are: row-header-style, column-header-style and standard-style. Row header cells inherit their attributes from row-header-style. Column headers inherit from column-header-style. Standard-style is the base style for all cells in the grid.

Cell - Cells display information in the grid. Each cell has a unique coordinate (row, column). Cells are associated with a control and a style object. The control is responsible for handling user events and drawing the information provided through the style object.

Control - Controls handle the interface between the end user and the grid. Each cell is associated with a control. The control interprets user events and is responsible for drawing the cell.

Control Child - Controls can have small children in the cell. For example, the spin control has an up-arrow button child and a down-arrow button child. The control child is normally a small rectangular area in the parent control's area.

Covered Cells - Objective Grid lets you cover cells. This means that one cell can span several other cells. This is very useful for headings in reports.

Current Cell - The grid manages the current cell as the user navigates through the grid by clicking or using arrow keys. The current cell lets the user modify the cell's contents through its associated control. The end user can interact directly with the control.

Data source - Data source is a general term that can mean either an ODBC/DAO/ADO query result, a database, or any other external data structure or medium.

Properties - Properties are settings in the grid that can be modified with pre-built dialogs and can be loaded/archived using the registry/profile. Properties are maintained by the CGXProperties class.

Range - A range defines a rectangular area of cells in the grid. A range is specified through a top and bottom row, and left and right columns. Ranges can represent a selection of cells, columns, rows, or all cells.

Style - A style contains all the information necessary for formatting a cell. A style consists of several attributes such as text color, borders, control type, and font. Each cell determines the style information at run time and passes this information to the control for drawing the cell.

Workbook - A workbook lets the user switch between several views connected to the same document by clicking on a tab at bottom-left of the window.

Worksheet - Worksheet is used to refer to each of the individual views displayed in a workbook.

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