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Objective Grid User's Guide
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1.5 Licensing Restrictions

Please read the license agreement that was shipped with this package. You are bound by the licensing restrictions contained in that document. Do not use this product unless you can accept all the terms of the license agreement.

You can use all the files accompanying this product for development of an application. You can distribute the Objective Grid Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) according to the terms of the license agreement. Your applications can also statically link to the grid, in which case you do not need to redistribute any Objective Grid files.

1.5.1 Stingray Naming Conventions

The library naming conventions are illustrated below for the default library names.

Figure 1: Library Naming Conventions

1.5.2 File Redistribution

The following files can be shipped with your application when needed, where <ver> stands for the current product version number:

Table 1: Redistributable Files

File Platform
OG<ver>as*.dll Win32, x64
OG<ver>us*.dll Win32, x64, Unicode

To get a better understanding of how these filenames are generated and used, please refer to Section 1.7.1, "Library Dependencies for Distribution," in the Stingray Studio Getting Started Guide.

You may not redistribute Objective Grid header files, source files, or sample files. You also may not expose the Objective Grid programming interface in your program (e.g., a DLL or OCX/ActiveX that lets a user create a grid).

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