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Objective Chart User's Guide
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27.3 Usage

Adding XML serialization capability to an existing Objective Chart application is a very simple process:

  1. Modify your document class to derive from the SFL SECXMLDocAdapter_T template class, using the document's existing base class as the template parameter.

  2. Edit the application's resource script and add suitable menu entries for the XML Open/Save commands. Now update the document's message map and add the mapping macros that connect these new commands with the pre-built command-handlers provided by the SECXMLDocAdapter_T class.

  3. Provide an implementation for the IXMLSerialize methods that the document inherits through the document adapter base. The IXMLSerialize::GetElementType() routine returns the XML descriptor tag for the document while the IXMLSerialize::XMLSerialize() virtual serves as the serialization framework's entry point into the Objective Chart XML formatter hierarchy.

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