Each and every XML serializable Objective Chart class is provided with an equivalent formatter object that implements the IXMLSerialize interface. These formatter objects maintain a reference to the equivalent native chart types and possess the know-how to read/write the serializable data in XML. Examples of such formatters include the SRGraphFTR and SRGraphDataFTR classes that serve to serialize the SRGraph and SRGraphData classes, respectively.
To facilitate internationalization, the pre-defined tag names corresponding to each data component are stored in a separate resource file and will be automatically included in your build. All the formatters allow you to optionally specify a custom tag name in their constructors.
The Objective Chart Build Wizard allows you to select or ignore the XML serialization feature while choosing the library configuration to be built.
To use the Objective Chart XML serialization mechanism, it is imperative that the Stingray Foundation Library be built with the XML serialization option chosen.
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