MySQL Datatype | RWDBValue::ValueType | C++ Datatype |
decimal, numeric | Decimal | |
bigint | UnsignedLongLong, LongLong | unsigned long long, long long |
tinyblob, blob, mediumblob, longblob | Blob | |
double | Double | double |
float | Float | float |
tinyint | Char, UnsignedChar | char, unsigned char |
smallint | Short, UnsignedShort | short, unsigned short |
integer, mediumint | Long, UnsignedLong | long, unsigned long |
char, varchar, tinytext, mediumtext, text, longtext, enum, set | String | |
date1 | Date | |
DateTime | ||
year | UnsignedShort | unsigned short |
RWDBValue::ValueType | MySQL Datatypes |
Blob | MEDIUMBLOB if length is RWDB_NO_TRAIT. If 0<= length <= 255 TINYBLOB. If 256 <= length <=65,535 BLOB. If 65,536 <= length <= 16,777,215 MEDIUMBLOB. Otherwise, LONGBLOB. |
Tiny, UnsignedTiny, Char, UnsignedChar | TINYINT |
Date | DATE |
DateTime | DATETIME |
Decimal (p,s) | DECIMAL using precision and scale of column. If p <= 0 defaults to 8. If s <= 0 defaults to 0. |
Double | DOUBLE |
Float (P) | FLOAT if precision is RWDB_NO_TRAIT. Otherwise, FLOAT (p) using precision of column. |
Int, UnsignedInt, Long, UnsignedLong | INT |
Short, UnsignedShort | SMALLINT |
LongLong, UnsignedLongLong | BIGINT |
String | MEDIUMTEXT if length is RWDB_NO_TRAIT. If 0<= length <= 255 VARCHAR(length) using the storageLength of the RWDBColumn. If 256 <= length <= 65,535 TEXT. If 65,536 <= length <= 16,777,215 MEDIUMTEXT. Otherwise LONGTEXT. |