Asynchronous Calls in the DB Interface Module
In the DB Interface Module, the calls listed in Table 14 have been adapted to behave asynchronously when executed using an asynchronous connection. Note that the following list includes only the names of the supported functions without their full signatures. All the overloaded methods of the listed functions that take an RWDBConnection as one of their parameters can behave asynchronously.
Table 14 – Potentially asynchronous functions in the DB Interface Module 
RWDBResult execute();
RWDBReader reader();
RWDBStatus beginTransaction();
RWDBStatus commitTransaction();
RWDBResult executeSQL();
RWDBStatus isolation();
RWDBStatus rollbackTransaction();
RWDBStatus deleteRow();
RWDBStatus fetchRow();
RWDBStatus insertRow();
RWDBStatus unbind();
RWDBStatus updateRow();
RWDBStatus createProcedure();
RWDBStatus createTable();
RWDBStatus createView();
RWDBCursor cursor();
RWDBTable dbStoredProcedures();
RWDBTable dbTables();
RWDBStatus dropView();
RWDBResult execute();
RWDBResult execute();
RWDBOSql& cancel();
void execute();
RWDBOSql& fetch();
RWDBOSql& fetchReturnParams();
RWDBValue returnValue();
void* operator()();
RWDBTable table();
RWDBCursor cursor();
RWDBResult execute();
RWDBReader reader();
RWDBStatus drop();
RWDBResult execute();
RWDBStatus fetchReturnParams();
RWDBStatus addColumn();
RWDBStatus createIndex();
RWDBCursor cursor();
RWDBStatus drop();
RWDBStatus dropColumn();
RWDBStatus dropIndex();
RWDBStatus grant();
RWDBReader reader();
RWDBStatus revoke();
RWDBResult execute();
Please note that although the table indicates all the possible asynchronous calls in the DB Interface Module, some DB Access Modules may not support asynchronous behavior for all these functions. This is because the corresponding database API may not include asynchronous support for some types of calls. For example, Oracle OCI doesn’t have asynchronous support for transaction calls such as commit, rollback, and begin. The DB Interface Module doesn’t attempt to simulate asynchronous behavior for any calls lacking direct native API support.