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1.4 Using This Manual

1.4.1 Assumptions

This manual is an introduction to using Tools.h++ Professional. This manual assumes that you have completed the following steps:

The manual also assumes that you are familiar with the topics listed in Table 4:

Table 4 -- Topics this manual assumes you understand

If you plan to use:You need to understand this topic:If you are not familiar with this topic, please consult:
Tools.h++ Professional
object-oriented programming
Bibliography in this manual
net, int, or orb
C++ and CORBA programming
Bibliography in this manual
Java programming
Free Java tutorials from Sun at
virtual streams for Java in jtools
Transmitting and persisting objects using virtual streams in Tools.h++
Tools.h++ User's Guide
C++ exceptions
Bibliography in this manual
Bibliography in the Threads.h++ User's Guide
Network protocols, such as FTP, HTTP, POP3, and SMTP
Bibliography in this manual
CORBA and IONA Technologies' Orbix
Orbix documentation; Tools.h++ virtual streams documentation; bibliography

1.4.2 Organization

The Tools.h++ User's Guide and Class Reference provide complete information on Tools.h++. This manual explains the rest of Tools.h++ Professional:

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