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Chapter 28: Glossary

A unique identifier for a communication endpoint.
BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
A version of the Unix operating system developed at the University of California at Berkeley.
A process that sends requests to a server to perform a given task (e.g. a client can request the mail server to send electronic mail).
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
A standard for distributed object computing that includes ORBs and the IDL. Defined by the OMG.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
A TCP/IP protocol for the transfer of files across a network.
A communication endpoint on a network. Any machine connected to a computer network may be referred to as a communication endpoint.
Interface Definition Language (IDL)
The language with which one makes a language-independent description of an interface. Part of CORBA. Defined by the OMG.
interface/implementation paradigm
A programming paradigm where separate objects are used to represent the interface and implementation of an abstraction. This allows the implementation object to change without changing the type of the interface object.
A network made up of several computer networks connected together.
IONA Technologies
The company that makes the Orbix ORB.
Access to underlying low-level functionality.
Object Management Group (OMG)
An industry consortium which defines the CORBA standards.
An Orbix mechanism for passing user-defined objects by value.
Object Request Broker (ORB)
Middleware that establishes the client-server relationships between objects. Provides a means for distributed object communication. Part of CORBA. Defined by the OMG.
The ORB made by IONA Technologies.
A set of rules and conventions for network communication.
A process that performs a task at the request of a client.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
A TCP/IP protocol for the transfer of electronic mail across a network.
An application program interface (API) to network and interprocess communication. It allows the user level program to use communication services provided by underlying communication protocols.
TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
A communication protocol suite-a collection of protocols that provide services and support for network communication.
TLI (Transport Layer Interface)
The standardized System V Unix application program interface (API) to network and interprocess communication. It allows the user level program to use communication services provided by underlying communication protocols.
UML (Unified Modeling Language)
A standard software system modeling language for object technology, used for the diagrams in this manual.
URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
Either a Uniform Resource Locator (RFC 1738) or a Uniform Resource Name (RFC 1737). As of 1998, Uniform Resource Names have not become an Internet standard.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
An address in the format used by the HTTP protocol.
XDR (eXternal Data Representation)
The data representation standard used by Sun Microsystems to encode data for transmission across a network.
Xerox XNS (Xerox Network Systems)
A communication protocol suite-a collection of protocols that provide services and support for network communication.

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