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Networking Tools: Thread-hot Internet Classes (int library)

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)

Member Functions


#include <rw/toolpro/httpver.h>

Required Libraries

thr, net, int, tls (and possibly std)


RWIHttpVersion is an abstract base class that defines the interface for HTTP versions. All member functions in RWIHttpVersion are pure virtual, and therefore must be overridden by specific HTTP version classes. The version classes are used by RWIHttpClient to filter request information based on versions.

Public Constructors


Public Member Functions

virtual RWBoolean
canPersist()const = 0;
virtual RWIHttpVersion*
clone() const = 0;
virtual int
majorVersionNumber() const = 0;
virtual RWCString
makeMethodAsString(RWIHttpMethod* pMethod) const = 0;
virtual RWBoolean
methodIsValid(RWCString methodName) const = 0; 
virtual int
minorVersionNumber() const = 0;

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