Networking Tools: Thread-hot Internet Classes (int library)
#include <rw/toolpro/httpver.h> RWIHttpVersion_0_9 v0_9;
thr, net, int, tls (and possibly std)
RWIHttpVersion_0_9 is a filter class for HTTP 0.9 version requests. This version cannot persist connections, supports only the GET command, supports no headers of any kind, does not attach version information to the request, and does not receive request responses.
The default constructor for RWIHttpVersion_0_9.
RWBoolean canPersist()const;
Returns FALSE.
RWIHttpVersion* clone() const;
Returns a copy of self.
int majorVersionNumber() const;
Returns 0.
RWCString makeMethodAsString(RWIHttpMethod* pMethod) const;
Returns a valid request string for the version.
RWBoolean methodIsValid(RWCString methodName) const;
Returns TRUE if the methodName is GET.
int minorVersionNumber() const;
Returns 9.
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