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Networking Tools: Thread-hot Internet Classes (int library)

Data Type and Member Function Indexes
(exclusive of constructors and destructors)

Member Functions


#include <rw/toolpro/http.h>
RWIHttpClient client(RWIHttpVersion_0_9());

Required Libraries

thr, net, int, tls (and possibly std)


RWIHttpClient provides low-level access to the HTTP client-side protocol. The RWIHttpClient class maintains a finite state machine to enforce correct HTTP protocol action ordering. When methods are invoked in an inappropriate order, an RWIProtocolClientError exception is thrown.

The client, along with helper RWIHttpMethod and RWIHttpVersion classes, provides fine-grained control over HTTP communications. The execute method returns an RWIOUResult that can be redeemed for an RWIHttpReply. RWIHttpReply encapsulates the standard HTTP protocol reply messages. A reply can be queried for the result of the request, including indexing into any returned header information.

RWIHttpClient objects are lightweight. They are implemented using the interface-implementation pattern. The RWIHttpClient itself is really a handle to an implementation that performs the protocol interaction.


Public Constructors

RWIHttpClient(const RWIHttpVersion& ver);

Public Destructor


Copy Constructors

RWIHttpClient(const RWIHttpClient& client);

Assignment Operators

operator=(const RWIHttpClient& other);

Public Member Functions

connect(const RWCString& host, int port=80);
execute(RWIHttpMethod& method); 

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