The Java/C++ interoperability module contains jtools, a Java library of five packages: contains collection classes to store and retrieve objects, and utility classes that include a regular expression class, RegExp.
com.roguewave.vsj implements the Rogue Wave Tools.h++ virtual streams in Java. Use this package in conjunction with the Tools.h++ virtual streams to communicate between C++ and Java applications.
com.roguewave.vsj.streamer provides prebuilt streamers that map Tools.h++ classes to classes in the Java core packages. Streamers are the small helper objects that define Java/C++ mappings in virtual streams for Java.
com.roguewave. format contains classes for output format specification.
com.roguewave.common contains the Formattable interface that must be implemented by any class formatted with the com. roguewave.format package.
Section 2.2.1 describes all of the Java classes and interfaces.
Table 1 through Table 8 list and briefly describe the classes and interfaces in the Tools.h++ Professional Java packages.
BTree |
Represents a group of ordered elements; duplicates are not allowed. The elements are ordered according to a Comparator. |
BTreeDictionary |
Extends the abstract base class Dictionary from java.util to provide an always balanced tree of keys and associated values. |
Bag ,. |
Represents a group of unordered elements. Although duplicate entries are allowed, the implementation holds only a single reference for each group of objects that compare equal to each other. |
BinaryTree |
Implements a binary search tree. The collection maintains elements in sorted order according to a Comparator object given at construction. |
CollectionBase |
An abstract base class that implements the Collection interface. It is extended by most collection classes in the package. |
Dlist |
Implements a doubly-linked list of elements ordered externally by the client of the class. |
HashDictionary |
Extends Hashtable to provide a dictionary of keys and associated values. |
IdentityDictionary |
Extends HashDictionary to provide a dictionary of keys and associated values where the key is found based on identity, not equality. |
IdentitySet |
Extends Set such that the key is found based on identity, not equality. |
NumericCompare |
Implements the Comparator interface for classes inheriting from java.lang.Number (e.g. Integer, Long, Float, and Double). |
Queue |
A first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue of objects. |
RegExp |
Represents a regular expression. |
Set |
Implements an unordered collection of elements using an underlying HashTable where duplicate entries are not allowed. |
Slist |
Implements a singly-linked list of elements ordered externally by the client of the class. |
StringCompare |
Implements the Comparator interface and is particularly suited for the String, StringBuffer, and Character classes from package java.lang. |
BidirectionalEnumeration |
Extends Enumeration to allow you to move both forward and backward within a collection. |
BinaryFunction |
Provides for a binary function. Implementing this interface allows an object to act as a functor to use in methods such as Collection.reduce(). |
Collection |
Contains methods for the insertion, retrieval, and removal of elements. |
Comparator |
Implementing this interface allows an object to act as a comparator for the purpose of ordering elements in sorted collections such as BTree and BinaryTree. |
Sequence |
Extends Collection to allow external control of the location of its elements. |
UnaryFunction |
Provides for a unary function. Implementing this interface allows an object to act as a functor to use in methods such as Collection.apply(). |
CollectableStreamer |
An ObjectStreamer for mapping Java classes to C++ subclasses of class RWCollectable from Tools.h++. |
PersistableStreamer |
An ObjectStreamer for streaming objects that support Tools.h++ isomorphic persistence. |
PortableInputStream |
Corresponds to the Tools.h++ class RWpistream. The class contains methods to input basic data and restore objects. |
PortableOutputStream |
Corresponds to the Tools.h++ class RWpostream. The class contains methods to output basic data and save objects to an underlying output stream |
ReadTable |
An implementation of the RestoreContext interface written to correspond to the read tables used in Tools.h++. |
StoreTable |
An implementation of the SaveContext interface meant to correspond to the store tables used in Tools.h++ for doing both isomorphic and polymorphic persistence. |
DefineCollectable |
Used with the CollectableStreamer class to map Java classes to C++ subclasses of class RWCollectable from Tools.h++. |
DefinePersistable |
Used to map Java classes to C++ classes that gain their persistence capabilities through the use of the RWDEFINE_PERSISTABLE macro from Tools.h++. |
ObjectStreamer |
Describes helper classes used for saving and restoring objects via VirtualOutputStreams and VirtualInputStreams respectively. |
RestoreContext |
An interface that allows you to keep track of objects so that you can resolve back-references to objects that were already read. |
SaveContext |
An interface that allows you to keep track of objects as they are written so that you can write back-references for objects that are encountered multiple times. |
VirtualInputStream |
Corresponds to the Tools.h++ abstract base class RWvistream. The interface contains methods to input basic data and restore objects. |
VirtualOutputStream |
Corresponds to the Tools.h++ abstract base class RWvostream. The interface contains methods to output basic data and save objects to be input or restored. |
BasicMappings |
A repository of streamers mapping C++ basic types such as int, char, double, etc. to java.lang wrapper classes such as Integer, Character, and Double. |
CollectableCompare |
Implements the Comparator interface to match, as best we can in Java, the identity comparison semantics of the RWCollectable::compareTo() in Tools.h++. |
CollectableMappings |
Provides the mappings between Tools.h++ collectable classes and the equivalent classes in Tools.h++ Professional Java packages. |
DefineCollectableCollection |
Maps a C++ RWCollection-derived class to a Java class that implements |
DefinePersistableTemplColl |
An implementation of the DefinePersistable interface offering a generic mapping between collections that implements the interface. Doesn't require a Comparator to any one of several Tools.h++ template collections. |
SimpleMappings |
Maps simple Tools.h++ classes, such as RWCString and RWDate, to Java classes. |
TemplateMappings |
Provides streamer mappings of Tools.h++ templatized collection classes to Java classes. |
ConstantStringsHelper |
NOTE: This class is reserved for future use. |
ConstantStrings |
NOTE: This interface is reserved for future use. |
Formattable |
Any class that is to be formatted with the package com.roguewave.format must implement this interface. |
NumericFormat |
Provides a flexible mechanism to control the format of numeric values. |
NumericPicture |
Separates the formatting of a numeric value, how many characters before and after the decimal place, from its text layout, the specification of sign placement and padding. |
QuickFormat |
Provides a convenient interface for the combined functionality of the TextPicture, TextAlignment, NumericPicture, and NumericFormat classes. |
TextAlignment |
Allows text to be laid out left, center, or right justified. |
TextPicture |
Allows numbers to be inserted into a pictorial template. |
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