CBM User Guide Product Tree

The src Directory

The illustration below shows the structure of the src directory within a product tree. Threads.h++ for Windows is used as the example. Note that some products, such as Tools.h++ Professional, have additional directories and files.

  1. The top-level source/src directory contains the library implementation source files for the product. These source files do not get copied to the Rogue Wave workspace at the end of the build unless you set the rwspm script's -l flag, which can be useful for purposes of debugging.

  2. For most parts, this directory contains only a subdirectory labeled with the name of the part, such as threads in the illustration. For Tools.h++, it contains the Tools.h++ header files, as well as a tools subdirectory.

  3. This directory contains the header files for the part, except in the case of Tools.h++, where it contains just a few special Tools.h++-related files.

  4. Examples implementation source files live in an examples/src directory.

The Standard C++ Library has a different directory structure under src, as shown below.

CBM User Guide Product Tree