Building IPv6 Addresses
Example 12 shows how to build an IPv6 address object by specifying the port and then the host.
Example 12 – Building IPv6 addresses
RWInet6Addr addr1( 3010, "" ); // 1
RWInet6Addr addr2( 3010 ); // 2
RWInet6Addr addr3( "" ); // 3
RWInet6Addr addr4( "stream:[fe80::2b0:d0ff:fe92:873c]:3010" ); // 4
RWInet6Addr addr5( "" ); // 5
//1 Includes both a port and a host. Automatic type conversion turns the integer 3010 into an RWInetPort, and turns the string into an RWInet6Host.
//2 When the host name is omitted, the special host ANY is used. This address connects to any available IPv6 address on the current computer.
//3 Constructs the address from a string. The format is the socket type (stream or dgram) followed by the host identifier, followed by the scope, followed by a port identifier. The fields are separated by colons. You can omit the socket type, host, and scope, which means that and 3010 are allowed. The default socket type is stream. If only the port number is used, the host defaults to ANY.
//4 In order to distinguish an IPv6 hex address from the rest of an address string, square brackets ('[' and ']') are added around the hex address to distinguish it from the other fields.
//5 This string construction includes the specification of a scope ID. The scope ID field is optional on most platforms, however some platforms require a scope ID in order to resolve the Network Interface that should be used.
NOTE: IPv6 addresses are not supported on all platforms. To verify that IPv6 addresses are supported by Rogue Wave on your platform, check if the RWNET_HAS_INET6_SOCKETS macro is defined.