Example 43 simulates a manufacturing operation where an RWTPCValQueue is used to represent a warehouse of limited capacity that accepts widgets from a production function and then sends these widgets to a shipping function. The production of widgets occurs at a fixed rate, while the shipping rate of widgets varies from widget to widget. This difference in read and write rates eventually results in one function being forced to wait on the other.
Example 43 – Using a producer-consumer queue in a manufacturing operation
#include <stdlib.h> // For rand() and srand()
#include <rw/thread/RWThreadFunction.h>
#include <rw/itc/RWTPCValQueue.h>
#include <rw/functor/rwBind.h>
#include <rw/sync/RWMutexLock.h>
#include <rw/cstring.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef int Widget;
void message(const RWCString& message) { // 1
static RWMutexLock mutex; // Make output operation atomic!
RWMutexLock::LockGuard lock(mutex);
cout << message << endl;
void produce(RWTPCValQueue<Widget>& warehouse, size_t runSize) {
for (size_t i=0; i<runSize; i++) {
if (!warehouse.canWrite()) // 2
message("Warehouse full!");
// Print bar graph of inventory size
warehouse.write(Widget(i)); // 3
rwSleep(100); // Fixed time to produce widgets
warehouse.write(Widget(-1)); // Tell shipping the run is done!
message("Production done!");
void ship(RWTPCValQueue<Widget>& warehouse) {
// Seed random number sequence using thread id
Widget widget;
do {
rwSleep(::rand()%200); // Random time for each shipment
if (!warehouse.canRead()) // 4
message("Warehouse empty!");
widget = warehouse.read(); // 5
} while (widget != -1);
message("Shipping done!");
void main() {
// The warehouse can hold only five widgets!
RWTPCValQueue<Widget> warehouse(5); // 6
RWThreadFunction production;
production = RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(produce, rwRef(warehouse), 100));
RWThreadFunction shipping;
shipping = RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(ship, rwRef(warehouse)));
rwSleep(5*100); // Let production fill the warehouse!
//1 A simple routine for synchronizing message output.
//2 Tests to see if the warehouse queue is currently full, so that an alert can be sent before being blocked inside the write function.
//3 Puts a widget into the warehouse, and waits if it is full.
//4 Tests to see if the warehouse queue is currently empty, so that an alert can be sent before being blocked inside the read function.
//5 Gets a widget from the warehouse, and waits if it is empty.
//6 Constructs a queue to represent the warehouse and limits the queue length to five entries.