Establishing a Database Connection
The first requirement for running DB Interface Module is establishing that you have connectivity between the machine on which you plan to run your DB Interface Module application and the database server you wish to access. Table 6 suggests utilities you can use to establish connections/sessions. Remember, Rogue Wave technical services cannot help you with this step in the process of establishing database connectivity. For help, ask your system administrator or call the database vendor.
Table 6 – Connection utilities 
Windows connection utilities
UNIX connection utilities
DB2 Server
db2 utility
Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft ODBC Administrator
mysql command line utility
mysql command line utility
A utility installed by your ODBC driver manager, or a third-party utility for verifying ODBC connection.
A utility installed by your ODBC driver manager, or a third-party utility for verifying ODBC connection.
Oracle OCI
sqlplus utility
sqlplus utility
The PostgreSQL interactive terminal psql
The PostgreSQL interactive terminal psql
Sybase isql.exe or sybping.exe utility
isql utility