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STL Extension-based Collections

Module Description

Classes in this group let you work with things such as collections of mappings, variables, lists, associations of type implemented as hash tables, and so on.


class  rw_forward_list< T, A >
 Maintains a collection of some type T implemented as a singly-linked, forward-iteration-only list. More...
class  rw_hashmap< K, V, Hash, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V, implemented as a hash table of std::pair<const K,V> instances. More...
class  rw_hashmultimap< K, V, Hash, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V, implemented as a hash table of std::pair<const K,V> instances where multiple instances of the same K are allowed. More...
class  rw_hashmultiset< T, Hash, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of some type T, in which there may be many equivalent instances of T. More...
class  rw_hashset< T, Hash, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of some type T, in which there cannot be more than one occurrence of some given instance of T. More...
class  rw_orderedhashmap< K, V, Hash, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V, implemented as a hash table of std::pair<const K,V> instances, in which key insertion order is preserved. More...
class  rw_orderedhashmultimap< K, V, Hash, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V, implemented as a hash table of std::pair<const K,V> instances where multiple instances of the same K are allowed and key insertion order are preserved. More...
class  rw_orderedhashmultiset< T, Hash, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of some type T, in which there may be many equivalent instances of T and key insertion order are preserved. More...
class  rw_orderedhashset< T, Hash, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of some type T, in which there cannot be more than one occurrence of some given instance of T and key insertion order are preserved. More...
class  rw_slist< T, A >
 Maintains a collection of some type T implemented as a singly-linked list. More...
struct  RWTHash< T >
 Hash function object. More...
struct  RWTHash< bool >
 Function object for hashing a bool. More...
struct  RWTHash< char >
 Function object for hashing a char. More...
struct  RWTHash< double >
 Function object for hashing a double. More...
struct  RWTHash< float >
 Function object for hashing a float. More...
struct  RWTHash< int >
 Function object for hashing an int. More...
struct  RWTHash< long >
 Function object for hashing a long. More...
struct  RWTHash< long double >
 Function object for hashing a long double. More...
struct  RWTHash< long long >
 Function object for hashing a long long. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWBasicUString >
 Function object for hashing an RWBasicUString. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWBitVec >
 Function object for hashing an RWBitVec. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWCollectableDateTime >
 Function object for hashing an RWCollectableDateTime. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWCollectableInt >
 Function object for hashing an RWCollectableInt. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWCollectableString >
 Function object for hashing an RWCollectableString. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWCollectableWString >
 Function object for hashing an RWCollectableWString. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWCopyOnWriteCString >
 Function object for hashing an RWCopyOnWriteCString. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWCopyOnWriteWString >
 Function object for hashing an RWCopyOnWriteWString. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWCString >
 Function object for hashing an RWCString. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWDate >
 Function object for hashing an RWDate. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWDateTime >
 Function object for hashing an RWDateTime. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWDBBlob >
 Function object for hashing an RWDBBlob. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWDBDateTime >
 Deprecated. Function object for hashing an RWDBDateTime. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWDBDuration >
 Function object for hashing an RWDBDuration. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWDBMBString >
 Function object for hashing an RWDBMBString. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWDBValue >
 Function object for hashing an RWDBValue. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWDecimalPortable >
 Function object for hashing an RWDecimalPortable. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWStringID >
 Function object for hashing an RWStringID. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWTimeTuple >
 Function object for hashing an RWTimeTuple. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWTimeTupleOffset >
 Function object for hashing an RWTimeTupleOffset. More...
struct  RWTHash< RWWString >
 Function object for hashing an RWWString. More...
struct  RWTHash< short >
 Function object for hashing a short. More...
struct  RWTHash< signed char >
 Function object for hashing a signed char. More...
struct  RWTHash< T * >
 Function object for hashing a pointer type. More...
struct  RWTHash< unsigned char >
 Function object for hashing an unsigned char. More...
struct  RWTHash< unsigned int >
 Function object for hashing an unsigned int. More...
struct  RWTHash< unsigned long >
 Function object for hashing an unsigned long. More...
struct  RWTHash< unsigned long long >
 Function object for hashing an unsigned long long. More...
struct  RWTHash< unsigned short >
 Function object for hashing an unsigned short. More...
struct  RWTHash< wchar_t >
 Function object for hashing a wchar_t. More...
class  RWTPtrForwardList< T, A >
 A pointer-based collection of values implemented as a singly-linked list. More...
class  RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 A hash-based associative container of pointer types. More...
class  RWTPtrHashMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMap. More...
class  RWTPtrHashMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMap. More...
class  RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 A hash-based associative container of pointer types, which allows duplicate keys. More...
class  RWTPtrHashMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiMap. More...
class  RWTPtrHashMultiMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiMap. More...
class  RWTPtrHashMultiSet< T, H, EQ, A >
 A pointer-based collection of values stored according to a hash object, which allows duplicate values. More...
class  RWTPtrHashMultiSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiSet. More...
class  RWTPtrHashMultiSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiSet. More...
class  RWTPtrHashSet< T, H, EQ, A >
 A hash-based container for pointer types. More...
class  RWTPtrHashSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashSet. More...
class  RWTPtrHashSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashSet. More...
class  RWTPtrOrderedHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of key pointers, each with an associated item of pointer type stored according to both a hash object and the key insertion order. More...
class  RWTPtrOrderedHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of key pointers, each with an associated item of pointer type stored according to both a hash object and the key insertion order. Allows duplicate keys. More...
class  RWTPtrOrderedHashMultiSet< T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a hash-based collection of class T pointer elements, in which there may be many equivalent instances of an element and the key insertion order is preserved. More...
class  RWTPtrOrderedHashSet< T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a hash-based collection of class T pointer elements, in which there cannot be more than one occurrence of equivalent element instances and the key insertion order is preserved. More...
class  RWTPtrSlist< T, A >
 A pointer-based collection of values implemented as a singly-linked list. More...
class  RWTPtrSlistConstIterator< T, A >
 Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrSlist. More...
class  RWTPtrSlistIterator< T, A >
 Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTPtrSlist. More...
class  RWTValForwardList< T, A >
 Maintains a collection of some type T implemented as a singly-linked, forward-iteration-only list. More...
class  RWTValHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to a hash object. More...
class  RWTValHashMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMap. More...
class  RWTValHashMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMap. More...
class  RWTValHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to a hash object. More...
class  RWTValHashMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMultiMap. More...
class  RWTValHashMultiMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMultiMap. More...
class  RWTValHashMultiSet< T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of values stored according to a hash object, and with multiple equivalent values allowed. More...
class  RWTValHashMultiSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMultiSet. More...
class  RWTValHashMultiSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMultiSet. More...
class  RWTValHashSet< T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of values stored according to a hash object. More...
class  RWTValHashSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashSet. More...
class  RWTValHashSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
 Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValHashSet. More...
class  RWTValOrderedHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to both a hash object and the key insertion order. More...
class  RWTValOrderedHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to both a hash object and the key insertion order. Allows duplicate keys. More...
class  RWTValOrderedHashMultiSet< T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a hash-based collection of class T elements, in which there may be many equivalent instances of an element and the key insertion order is preserved. More...
class  RWTValOrderedHashSet< T, H, EQ, A >
 Maintains a hash-based collection of class T elements, in which there cannot be more than one occurrence of equivalent element instances and the key insertion order is preserved. More...
class  RWTValSlist< T, A >
 Maintains a collection of values implemented as a singly-linked list. More...
class  RWTValSlistConstIterator< T, A >
 Deprecated. Provides a const iterator for RWTValSlist. More...
class  RWTValSlistIterator< T, A >
 Deprecated. Provides an iterator for RWTValSlist. More...

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