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Module Description

The Parameter Calculation Classes calculate regression parameters from input regression data.


class  RWAddObservations< T, S >
 Holds information about adding observations to a parameter calculation. More...
class  RWAddPredictors< T, S >
 Holds information about the addition of predictor variables to a parameter calculation. More...
class  RWGPValueFunctor
 Calculates the G statistic for a logistic model in comparison to the intercept-only model. More...
class  RWLeastSqQRCalc
 Calculates linear regression parameters using QR decomposition. More...
class  RWLeastSqQRPvtCalc
 Calculates linear regression parameters using QR decomposition with pivoting. More...
class  RWLeastSqSVDCalc
 Implements the calculation of linear regression parameters using singular value decomposition. More...
class  RWLinearRegressionParam
 Models an estimated linear regression parameter using a T distribution. More...
class  RWLinRegressFStatistic
 Function object that takes the data and parameters associated with a linear regression model and returns the F statistic for that model. More...
class  RWLogisticFitAnalysis
 Calculates a number of goodness of fit quantities for a given RWLogisticRegression instance. More...
class  RWLogisticIterLSQ
 Calculates model parameter estimates from logistic regression data using the iterative least squares method. More...
class  RWLogisticLevenbergMarquardt
 Calculates model parameter estimates from logistic regression data using the Levenberg-Marquardt method. More...
class  RWLogisticRegressionParam
 Container class for logistic regression parameter estimates and their associated statistical quantities. More...
class  RWRegressionCalc< T, S >
 Defines the interface for regression parameter calculation objects. More...
class  RWRegressionDataChange< T, S >
 Base class for data change objects when adding predictor variables or observations to a parameter calculation. More...
class  RWRemoveObservations< T, S >
 Holds information about removing observations from a parameter calculation. More...
class  RWRemovePredictors< T, S >
 Holds information about the removal of predictor variables from a parameter calculation. More...

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