WAVE Widget Utilities

WgAnimateTool, image_data [, parent [, shell ]]

Creates a window for animating a sequence of images.

WgCbarTool [, parent [, shell [, windowid [, movedCallback], [, range]]]]]

Creates a simple color bar that can be used to view and interactively shift a PV‑WAVE color table.

WgCeditTool [, parent [, shell ]]

Creates a full-featured set of menus and widgets enclosed in a window; this window allows you to edit the values in PV‑WAVE color tables in many different ways.

WgControlsBox, value, lb, ub

Displays slider and returns user-selected slider value.

WgCtTool [, parent [, shell ]]

Creates a simple widget that can be used interactively to modify a PV‑WAVE color table.

WgFileSelection, path

Creates a file selection widget which lets the user display the contents of directories and select files.

WgIsoSurfTool, surface_data [, parent [, shell ]]

Creates a window with a built-in set of controls; these controls allow you to easily view and modify an iso-surface taken from a three-dimensional block of data.

WgList, items, chosen

Displays a list of items and returns an array of indices into the list corresponding to user-selected items.

WgOrbit, vertices, polygons, parent, shell

Creates an interactive window for viewing objects.

WgMovieTool, image_data [, parent [, shell [, windowid [, rate]]]]

Creates a window that cycles through a sequence of images.

WgSImageTool, image

Creates a GUI with sliders allowing the user to modify pixel values of the image and get basic statistics of the image.

WgSliceTool, block_data [, parent [, last_slice [, shell ]]]

Creates a window with a built-in set of controls; these controls allow you to easily select and view “slices” from a three-dimensional block of data.

WgSlideShow, file='imagelist.txt' || , images=['file1.img', 'file2.img', ...., 'fileN.img']

Views multiple images in a slide show widget.

WgStripTool [, x, y1, y2, ..., y10, parent [, shell ]]

Creates a window that displays data in a style that simulates a real-time, moving strip chart.

WgSurfaceTool, surface_data [, parent [, shell ]]

Creates a surface window with a built-in set of controls: these controls allow you to interactively modify surface parameters and view the result of those modifications.

WgText, chars

Displays a single-line text field for user input.

WgTextTool [, parent [, shell ]]

Creates a scrolling window for viewing text from a file or character string.