WgOrbit Procedure

Creates an interactive window for viewing objects.


WgOrbit, vertices, polygons

Input Parameters

vertices — A (3,n) array of points on the surfaces of the objects.

polygons — A vector defining polygons which describe the surfaces: it is a concatenation of vectors of the form [m, i1, ..., im] where m is the number of vertices defining a polygon and where vertices (*, i1), ..., vertices(*, im) are those vertices arranged in counter‑clockwise order when viewed from outside the object.

Output Parameters



Parent — The widget ID of the parent widget.

Position — A two-element vector positioning the widget’s upper-left corner (measured in pixels from the upper-left corner of the screen).

Shades — A vector specifying the color for each vertex.

Size — Two-element vector specifying window size. Default is [500,500].

Shell — The ID of the newly created widget. If the procedure fails, zero (0) is returned.

Title — A string specifying the title for the widget.

Wid — (output) The window ID of the graphics window.


POLY_SPHERE, 1, 10, 10, v, p
v(1:2,*) = [ 2*v(1,*), 3*v(2,*) ]
WgOrbit, v, p

See Also
