VDA Tools Manager Graphical Element Routines

TmAddGrael, tool_name, grael_name

Adds a graphical element to the graphical element list for the specified instance of a VDA Tool.

TmAddSelectedGrael, tool_name, grael_name

Adds a graphical element to the graphical element selection list.

TmAxis, tool_name

Adds axes to a VDA Tool.

TmBitmap, tool_name, bitmap_name

Adds a bitmap (2D array) to a VDA Tool.

TmBottomGrael, tool_name, grael_name

Sets the specified graphical element to be on the bottom of the display list (displayed behind the other graphical elements).

TmDelGrael, tool_name, grael_name

Removes a specified graphical element from the list of graphical elements associated with a VDA Tool instance.

TmDelSelectedGraels, tool_name, grael_name

Deletes a graphical element from the list of selected graphical elements.

TmEnumerateGraelMethods(tool_name, grael_name)

Obtain a list of all the methods set for a graphical element in a specified VDA Tool.


Returns all the graphical elements that were set for a given VDA Tool.


Obtains a list of graphical elements or other items currently on the graphical items selection list.

TmExecuteGraelMethod, tool_name, grael_name, method_name

Executes a method for a graphical method based on the method name.

TmGetGraelMethod(tool_name, grael_name, method_name)

Obtains the data structure for the specified method.

TmGetGraelRectangle(tool_name, grael_name)

Returns the rectangular boundary of a graphical element.

TmGetUniqueGraelName(tool_name, grael_name)

Obtains a unique name based on the name of the specified graphical element.

TmGroupGraels(tool_name, grael_names)

Groups a number of selected graphical elements as one graphical element with a unique name.

TmLegend, tool_name

Adds a legend to a VDA Tool. The exact size and position of the legend is determined interactively by the user.

TmLine, tool_name

Adds a line to a VDA Tool. The exact length and position of the line is determined interactively by the user.

TmRect, tool_name

Adds a rectangle to a VDA Tool. The exact size and position of the rectangle is determined interactively by the user.

TmSetGraelMethod, tool_name, grael_name, method_name, method_value

Sets the name of the method procedure for a given method name and graphical element.

TmSetGraelRectangle, tool_name, grael_name, rectangle

Sets selection rectangle for graphical element, or set of graphical elements.

TmText, tool_name

Adds text to a VDA Tool. The position of the text and the text itself are determined interactively by the user.

TmTopGrael, tool_name, grael_name

Sets the specified graphical element to be at the top of the display list (displayed in front of other graphical elements).

TmUngroupGraels, tool_name, group_name

Ungroups a group of graphical elements.