TmDelGrael Procedure

Removes a specified graphical element from the list of graphical elements associated with a VDA Tool instance.


TmDelGrael, tool_name, grael_name


tool_name—A string containing the unique name of a VDA Tool.

grael_name—A string containing the name of the graphical element to delete.


All—When specified and nonzero, deletes all graphical elements from the specified VDA Tool. This keyword supersedes the grael_name parameter.


To obtain a list of graphical elements associated with a given VDA Tool, use TmEnumerateGraels.


If you specify the All keyword, you will delete all the graphical elements plus any other items that were defined for the VDA Tool. Use TmEnumerateGraels to return the list of all items to determine if the All keyword is appropriate.


TmDelGrael, 'WzPlot_0', 'RECTANGLE_1'

See Also

TmAddGrael, TmEnumerateGraels, TmGetGraelRectangle,  
TmGetUniqueGraelName, TmSetGraelRectangle