Programming Routines

ADDVAR, name, local

Creates a variable on the $MAIN$ program level and binds a local variable to it.

BREAKPOINT, file, line

Lets you insert and remove breakpoints in programs for debugging.

CHECKFILE( filename )

Determines if a file can be read from or written to.

CHECK_MATH ([print_flag, message_inhibit])

Returns and clears the accumulated math error status.

DEFINE_KEY, key [, value]

Programs a keyboard function key with a string value, or with a specified action.

DEFSYSV, name, value [, read_only]

Creates a new system variable initialized to the specified value.

DELCOM, blocknamei ,..., blocknamen

Deletes one or more COMMON blocks from the PV-WAVE session.

DELFUNC, functioni ,..., functionn

Deletes one or more compiled functions from memory.

DELPROC, procedurei ,..., proceduren

Deletes one or more compiled procedures from memory.

DELSTRUCT, structurei ,..., structuren

Deletes one or more named structure definitions from memory.

DELVAR, v1, ... ,vn

Deletes variables from the main program level.


Provides comprehensive error checking that can be used by any
PV-WAVE routine.


Exits PV‑WAVE  and returns you to the operating system.


Returns a value indicating if the input variable is finite or not.


Standard Library procedure that lets you implement a “hit any key to continue” function.


Tests if an input expression has a nonzero value.


Issues error and informational messages using the same mechanism employed by built-in PV‑WAVE  routines.


Returns number of elements contained in any expression or variable.


Returns the number of non-keyword parameters used in calling a PV‑WAVE  procedure or function.

N_TAGS (expr)

Returns the number of structure tags contained in any expression.

OMPTUNE, nmb, output_file_name

Tests and records platform-specific parallel-performance for a representative subset of all possible PV-WAVE array operations.


Determines the action taken when an error is detected inside a PV‑WAVE  user-written procedure or function.


Specifies a statement to jump to if an error occurs in the current procedure.


Specifies a statement to jump to if an I/O error occurs in the current procedure.

PARAM_PRESENT (parameter)

Tests if a parameter was actually present in the call to a procedure or function.


Extracts specified parts of a full file pathname.

RENAME, variable, new_name

Renames a PV‑WAVE variable.


Issues RETURNs from nested routines. Used primarily to recover from errors in user-written procedures and functions.

RETURN [, expr]

Returns control to the caller of a user-written procedure or function.

SAME(x, y)

Tests if two variables are the same.


Sets the run-time OpenMP parameters for shared-memory, multi-processor machines running supported operating systems.

SIZE (expr)

Returns a vector containing size and type information for the given expression.

STOP [, expr1,... , exprn]

Stops the execution of a running program or batch file, and returns control to the interactive mode.


Returns the text of the error message specified by the input error number.

STRUCTINFO, structure

Gathers information about the tags of a PV-WAVE structure variable.

STRUCTNAME ({structure})

Returns the name of a structure if the input variable name is of type structure.

STRUCTREF ({structure})

Returns a list of all existing references to a structure.

TAG_NAMES (expr)

Returns string array containing names of tags in a structure expression.

UPVAR, name, local

Accesses a variable that is not on the current program level.


Standard Library function that scans for PV‑WAVE variables that match the given criteria.

WAIT, seconds

Suspends execution of a PV‑WAVE  program for a specified period.