DELFUNC Procedure

Deletes one or more compiled functions from memory.

Caution: The routines DELSTRUCT, DELCOM, DELPROC, and DELFUNC are provided as convenience routines for PV‑WAVE developers. They allow developers to delete or reset certain elements ofPV‑WAVE's internal memory, which would otherwise require a restart of the PV‑WAVE session. They are only used at the $MAIN$ level, i.e., at the WAVE> prompt. Any other use results in session instability and undefined results.


    DELFUNC, function1 ,..., functionn

Input Parameters

functioni — (string) The name of a compiled function to delete.


All — When present and nonzero, deletes all currently compiled functions. When this keyword is used, all other parameters are ignored.


Use this procedure to free the memory taken by compiled functions. You can obtain a list of compiled functions by entering: INFO, /Routines.


d = DIST(10)
PRINT, 'Functions loaded in memory:'
INFO, /Functions
; PV-WAVE output includes DIST and REVERSE.
; Delete compiled functions DIST and REVERSE from memory.
; List the functions in memory again.
PRINT, 'Function list after call to DELFUNC:'
INFO, /Functions

See Also