General Graphics Routines


Returns the Cartesian product of some arrays.

CURSOR, x, y [, wait]

Reads the position of the interactive graphics cursor from the current graphics device.

DERIVN(a, n)

Differentiates a function represented by an array.


Provides device-dependent control over the current graphics device (as specified by the SET_PLOT procedure).


Causes all buffered output for the current graphics device to be written.

ERASE [, background_color]

Erases the display surface of the currently active window.


Standard Library procedure that overlays a contour plot onto an image display of the same array.

MOVIE, images [, rate]

Standard Library procedure that shows a cyclic sequence of images stored in a three-dimensional array.

PLOTS, x [, y [, z]]

Plots vectors or points on the current graphics device in either two or three dimensions.

PROFILE (image)

Standard Library function that extracts a profile from an image.


Standard Library procedure that lets you interactively draw row or column profiles of the image displayed in the current window. The profiles are displayed in a new window, which is deleted when you exit the procedure.

RDPIX, image [, x0, y0]

Standard Library procedure that displays the X, Y, and pixel values at the location of the cursor in the image displayed in the currently active window.


Standard Library procedure that scales a three-dimensional unit cube into the viewing area.

SET_PLOT, device

Specifies the device type used by PV‑WAVE  graphics procedures.

SHOW3, array

Standard Library procedure that displays a two-dimensional array as a combination contour, surface, and image plot. The resulting display shows a surface with an image underneath and a contour overhead.


Standard Library procedure that accumulates one or more sequences of translation, scaling, rotation, perspective, or oblique transformations and stores the result in the system variable !P.T.

THREED, array [, space]

Standard Library procedure that plots a two-dimensional array as a pseudo three-dimensional plot on the currently selected graphics device.

TVCRS [, on_off]

Manipulates the cursor within a displayed image, allowing it to be enabled and disabled, as well as positioned.

XYOUTS, x, y, string

Draws text on the currently selected graphics device starting at the designated data coordinate.


Expands and displays part of an image (or graphic plot) from the current window in a second window.