SAVE Procedure

Saves variables or other specified objects in a file for later recovery by RESTORE.


SAVE[, var1, ... , varn]

Input Parameters

vari—The named variables that are to be saved.


AllIf nonzero, specifies that everything (common blocks, system variables, local variables, compiled functions, and compiled procedures) should be saved.

Comm—If present and nonzero, causes all main level common block definitions to be saved.

Filename—The name of the file into which to save the PV‑WAVE objects. If this keyword is not present, the file wavesave.dat is used.

Level—Specifies the level of the program for which data is to be saved. If n > 0, the level is counted from the $MAIN$ level to the current procedure. If n < 0 the level count is relative, counting from the current procedure back to the $MAIN$ level. (Default: 0—$MAIN$).

Routines—If present and nonzero, saves all procedures and functions that are currently compiled in memory.

System_Variables—If present and nonzero, saves all system variables.

Variables—If present and nonzero, saves all current local variables.

Verbose—If present and nonzero, prints an informative message for each saved object.

XDR—If present and nonzero, causes the save file to be written in a portable format using XDR (eXternal Data Representation). The !XDR_LONG system variable controls the number of bytes for LONG data types written to an XDR file.


Under UNIX and Windows, XDR is the only supported format, so specifying this keyword is unnecessary.


Saving and restoring the value –0.0 (negative float zero) is not portable between platforms. This is because of different internal representations of that number.


While newer versions of PV-WAVE can read saved files created by earlier versions, earlier versions PV-WAVE may not be able to be read files saved by newer versions.

See Also


System Variables: !XDR_LONG

For more information, see the PV‑WAVE User Guide.